
Week 3, Thing 7 (What Interests Me)

I have gotten a lot of pleasure out of using the OverDrive site that we have available to us through the Maryland Consortium. I never thought I would want to read a book any other way than in the purist way - THE BOOK. But I have to admit that it is kind of nice to download a book onto my Palm Pilot and when I have to wait somewhere, pull it out of my purse and start reading. It's more convenient than I thought it would be and my palm has a feature that allows me to make the print larger so it's not bad on my sadly aging eyes. I've also downloaded audio content to my small MP3 player. That's pretty cool as well. I can plug it into a listening station that I have or use an adapter in my car. And the choice of titles is pretty good if you don't mind sometimes having to join the waiting list. I am hoping to be able to use the MP3 player I get for finishing the 23 Things to have one for music and one for audio books.

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