
Week 6, Thing 13 (Del.icio.us)

I listened to the podcast tutorial from Otter Group on this site and I read all the linked articles but what I liked the most was when I went to the site itself and they gave you ideas for how to use it. The ideas that really grabbed my attention were how you could go to commercial sites and find things you liked and then create a wish list in del.icio.us so that all your friends and family could see what you wanted and buy it for you. The other way you could use it that I liked was when planning a trip you could bookmark all the sites you liked of places to stay or eat etc. so you could refer to them later. They would all be together if you give them all the same tags which is better than just bookmarking them on your browser. And the last way that you could use del.icio.us that I liked was to find recipes and then tag them so that you can refer to them over and over again. I will definitely come back to this and set up an account to use it in one of these ways.

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